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11 191 octets ajoutés, 10 mars 2015 à 16:12
Page créée avec « /** * fork de jQuery makeCollapsible * * script initial : http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/RL/DM#jQuery.makeCollapsible * auteur initial : Krinkle <krinklemail@gmail.co... »
* fork de jQuery makeCollapsible
* script initial : http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/RL/DM#jQuery.makeCollapsible
* auteur initial : Krinkle <krinklemail@gmail.com>
* modifications : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utilisateur:Lgd
* Dual license:
* @license CC-BY 3.0 <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0>
* @license GPL2 <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html>

var newCollapsible = function($) {

return $('.fr-collapsible').each(function() {
// Define reused variables and functions
var $that = $(this),
that = this,
collapsetext = $(this).attr( 'data-collapsetext' ),
expandtext = $(this).attr( 'data-expandtext' ),
toggleElement = function( $collapsible, action, $defaultToggle, instantHide ) {
// Validate parameters
if ( !$collapsible.jquery ) { // $collapsible must be an instance of jQuery
if ( action != 'expand' && action != 'collapse' ) {
// action must be string with 'expand' or 'collapse'
if ( typeof $defaultToggle == 'undefined' ) {
$defaultToggle = null;
if ( $defaultToggle !== null && !($defaultToggle instanceof $) ) {
// is optional (may be undefined), but if defined it must be an instance of jQuery.
// If it's not, abort right away.
// After this $defaultToggle is either null or a valid jQuery instance.

var $containers = null;

if ( action == 'collapse' ) {

// Collapse the element
if ( $collapsible.is( 'table' ) && $collapsible.find('caption').length ) { // only table with caption
// Hide all table rows of this table
// Slide doens't work with tables, but fade does as of jQuery 1.1.3
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/467336#920480
$containers = $collapsible.find( '>tbody>tr, >thead>tr' );
if ( $defaultToggle ) {
$containers.stop(true, true).fadeOut();
} else {
if ( instantHide ) {
} else {
$containers.stop( true, true ).fadeOut();

} else if ( !$collapsible.is( 'ul' ) && !$collapsible.is( 'ol' ) && !$that.is( 'table' ) ) { // <div>, <p> etc. but not ul ol and tables without caption
var $collapsibleContent = $collapsible.find( '> .fr-collapsible-content' );

// If a collapsible-content is defined, collapse it
if ( $collapsibleContent.length ) {
if ( instantHide ) {
} else {

// Otherwise assume this is a customcollapse with a remote toggle
// .. and there is no collapsible-content because the entire element should be toggled
} else {
if ( $collapsible.is( 'tr' ) || $collapsible.is( 'td' ) || $collapsible.is( 'th' ) ) {
} else {

} else {

// Expand the element
if ( $collapsible.is( 'table' ) && $collapsible.find('caption').length ) {
$containers = $collapsible.find( '>tbody>tr, >thead>tr' );
if ( $defaultToggle ) {
$containers.stop(true, true).fadeIn();
} else {
$containers.stop(true, true).fadeIn();

} else if ( !$collapsible.is( 'ul' ) && !$collapsible.is( 'ol' ) && !$that.is( 'table' ) ) { // <div>, <p> etc.but not ul ol and not tables without caption
var $collapsibleContent = $collapsible.find( '> .fr-collapsible-content' );

// If a collapsible-content is defined, collapse it
if ( $collapsibleContent.length ) {

// Otherwise assume this is a customcollapse with a remote toggle
// .. and there is no collapsible-content because the entire element should be toggled
} else {
if ( $collapsible.is( 'tr' ) || $collapsible.is( 'td' ) || $collapsible.is( 'th' ) ) {
} else {
// Toggles collapsible and togglelink class and updates text label
toggleLinkDefault = function( that, e ) {
var $that = $(that),
$collapsible = $that.closest( '.fr-collapsible.fr-made-collapsible' ).toggleClass( 'fr-collapsed' );

// It's expanded right now
if ( !$that.hasClass( 'fr-collapsible-toggle-collapsed' ) ) {
// Change link to "Show"
$that.removeClass( 'fr-collapsible-toggle-expanded' ).addClass( 'fr-collapsible-toggle-collapsed' );
if ( $that.find( '> a' ).length ) {
$that.find( '> a' ).text( expandtext );
} else {
$that.text( expandtext );
// Collapse element
toggleElement( $collapsible, 'collapse', $that );

// It's collapsed right now
} else {
// Change link to "Hide"
$that.removeClass( 'fr-collapsible-toggle-collapsed' ).addClass( 'fr-collapsible-toggle-expanded' );
if ( $that.find( '> a' ).length ) {
$that.find( '> a' ).text( collapsetext );
} else {
$that.text( collapsetext );
// Expand element
toggleElement( $collapsible, 'expand', $that );
// Toggles collapsible and togglelink class
toggleLinkPremade = function( $that, e ) {
var $collapsible = $that.eq(0).closest( '.fr-collapsible.fr-made-collapsible' ).toggleClass( 'fr-collapsed' );
if ( $(e.target).is('a') ) {
return true;

// It's expanded right now
if ( !$that.hasClass( 'fr-collapsible-toggle-collapsed' ) ) {
// Change toggle to collapsed
$that.removeClass( 'fr-collapsible-toggle-expanded' ).addClass( 'fr-collapsible-toggle-collapsed' );
// Collapse element
toggleElement( $collapsible, 'collapse', $that );

// It's collapsed right now
} else {
// Change toggle to expanded
$that.removeClass( 'fr-collapsible-toggle-collapsed' ).addClass( 'fr-collapsible-toggle-expanded' );
// Expand element
toggleElement( $collapsible, 'expand', $that );
// Toggles customcollapsible
toggleLinkCustom = function( $that, e, $collapsible ) {
// For the initial state call of customtogglers there is no event passed
if (e) {
// Get current state and toggle to the opposite
var action = $collapsible.hasClass( 'fr-collapsed' ) ? 'expand' : 'collapse';
$collapsible.toggleClass( 'fr-collapsed' );
toggleElement( $collapsible, action, $that );


// Use custom text or default ?
if( !collapsetext ) {
//collapsetext = mw.message( 'collapsible-collapse' );
collapsetext = 'masquer';
if ( !expandtext ) {
//expandtext = mw.message( 'collapsible-expand' );
expandtext = 'afficher';

// Create toggle link with a space around the brackets (&nbsp;[text]&nbsp;)
var $toggleLink =
$( '<a href="#"></a>' )
.text( collapsetext )
.wrap( '<span class="fr-collapsible-toggle"></span>' )
.bind( 'click.fr-collapse', function(e) {
toggleLinkDefault( this, e );
} );

// Return if it has been enabled already.
if ( $that.hasClass( 'fr-made-collapsible' ) ) {
} else {
$that.addClass( 'fr-made-collapsible' );

// Check if this element has a custom position for the toggle link
// (ie. outside the container or deeper inside the tree)
// Then: Locate the custom toggle link(s) and bind them
if ( ( $that.attr( 'id' ) || '' ).indexOf( 'fr-customcollapsible-' ) === 0 ) {

var thatId = $that.attr( 'id' ),
$customTogglers = $( '.' + thatId.replace( 'fr-customcollapsible', 'fr-customtoggle' ) );

// Double check that there is actually a customtoggle link
if ( $customTogglers.length ) {
$customTogglers.bind( 'click.fr-collapse', function( e ) {
toggleLinkCustom( $(this), e, $that );
} );

// Initial state
if ( $that.hasClass( 'fr-collapsed' ) ) {
$that.removeClass( 'fr-collapsed' );
toggleLinkCustom( $customTogglers, null, $that );

// If this is not a custom case, do the default:
// Wrap the contents add the toggle link
} else {

// Elements are treated differently
if ( $that.is( 'table' ) && $that.find('caption').length ) { // only table with caption
// The toggle-link will be in the caption
var $caption = $( 'caption', that ),
$toggle = $caption.find( '> .fr-collapsible-toggle' );

// If theres no toggle link, add it to the caption
if ( !$toggle.length ) {
$caption.eq(-1).prepend( $toggleLink );
} else {
$toggleLink = $toggle.unbind( 'click.fr-collapse' ).bind( 'click.fr-collapse', function( e ) {
toggleLinkPremade( $toggle, e );
} );

} else if ( !$that.is( 'ul' ) && !$that.is( 'ol' ) && !$that.is( 'table' ) ) { // <div>, <p> etc.but not ol ul and not tables without caption

// The toggle-link will be the first child of the element
var $toggle = $that.find( '> .fr-collapsible-toggle' );

// If a direct child .content-wrapper does not exists, create it
if ( !$that.find( '> .fr-collapsible-content' ).length ) {
$that.wrapInner( '<div class="fr-collapsible-content"></div>' );

// If theres no toggle link, add it
if ( !$toggle.length ) {
$that.prepend( $toggleLink );
} else {
$toggleLink = $toggle.unbind( 'click.fr-collapse' ).bind( 'click.fr-collapse', function( e ) {
toggleLinkPremade( $toggle, e );
} );

// Initial state (only for those that are not custom)
if ( $that.hasClass( 'fr-collapsed' ) && ( $that.attr( 'id' ) || '').indexOf( 'fr-customcollapsible-' ) !== 0 ) {
$that.removeClass( 'fr-collapsed' );
// The collapsible element could have multiple togglers
// To toggle the initial state only click one of them (ie. the first one, eq(0) )
// Else it would go like: hide,show,hide,show for each toggle link.
toggleElement( $that, 'collapse', $toggleLink.eq(0), /* instantHide = */ true );
} );

var newCollapsibleKeyboard = function($) {
$('.fr-collapsible-toggle, .fr-collapsible-toggle-keyboard').attr('tabindex',0).keypress(function(event){
if ( event.which == 13 ) {

var newCollapsibleGroup = function($) {
var $that = $(this);
var text = 'Tout ouvrir';
var $tooglelink = $('<a class="fr-collapsible-toggle fr-collapsible-toggle-collapsed fr-collapsible-group-toogle-all" href="#">Tout ouvrir</a>');
if(text == 'Tout ouvrir') {
text = 'Tout fermer';
} else {
text = 'Tout ouvrir';
return false;
