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<span style="float:right">[[Accueil|[ En français ]]]</span>
{| align="center"| [[File:LogoRC.png|80px]]| <big><big><big><big> '''Restorative'''Circles </big></big></big></big>
This website is mainly in French. The pages written in English are gathered in the [[:Category:English]].
=== Other websites in English ===
;Reference website
:[[Fichier:LogoRC.png|20px]] [http://www.restorativecircles.org www.restorativecircles.org]
;Translations and developments about Restorative Circles
:[[Fichier:RC-dev-wiki.png|20px]] [https://nvc.miraheze.org/wiki/Dominic_B._-_FB nvc.miraheze.org] : some pages have been translated here. They will be migrated on the present wiki once the [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Translate Translate extension] has been integrated.