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* 27 aoû : ''Facilitators’ Pre-Circles are perhaps the most overlooked aspect of consistently effective restorative practices. Sitting in one today I saw the path laid out shifting and deepening, as layers of sincerity were revealed where before there was the result-focused professional.''
:: Les avant-cercles des facilitateurs sont peut-être l'aspect le plus négligé des pratiques restauratrices efficaces. Assis dans l'un d'eux aujourd'hui, j'ai vu le chemin tracé se déplacer et s'approfondir, des couches de sincérité se révélant là où il n'y avait auparavant que des professionnels axés sur les résultats.
*13 fév : ''The facilitator’s Pre-Circle is one of the structural aspects of well designed practices I have most frequently seen forgotten. It strengthens the person offering facilitation such that they do less, and do less more thoroughly. Maybe that’s one reason it is so rare.''